About Christmas TV History

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Live Twitter Christmas Party 2014

Social networking brings people together.

Hey Gang!  It's time to get out our schedules.  How about we discuss when to gather on Twitter and watch Christmas on TV?  Last year, I hosted several live twitter parties over the holidays while we watched:

--1965's A Charlie Brown Christmas (on ABC)
--1974 Christmas TV movie A Dream for Christmas (on MeTV)
--the 2013 Christmas episode of The Michael J. Fox Show (on NBC--series now cancelled)
--1963 Christmas episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show (on MeTV)
--1960 Christmas episode of the Twilight Zone (on MeTV)

It was a lot of fun.  Watching television is typically an activity one does at home, often alone--so it can be quite a new experience to join friends and watch together!  I'm looking for some suggestions on what you'd like to watch and talk through.  I know we all have busy schedules this time of year--that includes me.  But maybe you're especially excited about watching a particular Christmas program and you'd like to make it a group experience.

What Christmas program(s) would you be interested in watching together?

Here are some options:
--Sun Dec. 7th at 8pm(ET) on CBS airs the original Christmas episode of I Love Lucy
--Sat Dec 6th at 8pm(ET) on NBC airs the movie It's a Wonderful Life
--Tue Dec. 9th, 8pm(ET) on CBS is 1964's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
--Wed Dec 10, 8pm(ET) on ABC is new Christmas episode of The Middle, 9:30pm(ET) is new Christmas episode of new sitcom Black-ish.

Like any of these suggestions?  Got other suggestions?  I want to hear them.  Leave your comments below or on Twitter, or even on Facebook.

Of course this means you need to be on Twitter--so if you don't already have an account, set one up now.  After we decide when and what to watch, we'll determine a hashtag--to make it easier to engage. Do you already follow me on Twitter?  Why not follow me now: @TistheSeasonTV


  1. I love all those classic specials and movies, but I vote for Black-ish.

    1. Thanks for speaking up. I like the idea of twittering classics that we've all seen before as well as at least one new program. Black-ish works for me too. Let's see what everyone else thinks.

  2. Black-ish is a good idea. As for classics, any of them work for me. I can attempt to be here for whatever you decide. Like you said, MeTV has a daily Christmas program in December, that could make things easier.

  3. It is the 50th anniversary of Rudolph and the 60th anniversary of White Christmas....just sayin'....
    Love Blackish!

  4. If only I had a Twitter account...

  5. Thanks for all your comments--keep 'em coming in. Anyone know when/where White Christmas is airing? I wish A Very Brady Christmas was airing at a more convenient time (I believe it's only airing Dec 3rd at Midnight (ET). Argh.

  6. They always stick A Very Brady Christmas in a crappy slot. But I guess we should be happy they even air it at all. As for White Christmas, I checked TCM's December schedule and didn't see it at all! Didn't have any upcoming airings in TV Locator, either. What the heck?

  7. great idea! i would definitely be up for live tweeting for the i love lucy holiday special, rudolph, and maybe blackish. is there a modern family holiday episode this year?
    white christmas is a classic and probably in my top 5. i would definitely live tweet then! we saw the musical last year at the theater and it was so much fun.....loved the classic songs they did and loved the new songs they added.
    i wonder whatever happened to merry christmas tv....the site and twitter? they were always great about finding every little christmas gem and posting daily schedules.

  8. White Christmas, 7 p.m., AMC...Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Opps!! That's Friday, December 12th!
