About Christmas TV History

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What's Your Favorite Movie Podcast 2016

Ed South recently invited me to join him in a conversation about my favorite Christmas movies. You remember Ed South--he joined us during our Christmas in July party. He also hosts a popular podcast called What's Your Favorite Movie? talking with people about...well, their favorite movies! I couldn't resist listing off my favorites which include A Christmas Story, Miracle on 34th Street, Scrooged, The Homecoming: A Christmas Story, and The House Without a Christmas Tree. The informal discussion was a lot of fun! He also got me talking a little about my new book Triple Dog Dare which centers on the phenomenon of the 24-hour marathon and the popularity of the movie A Christmas Story.

Episode 17 of the podcast is now available for listening on iTunes and on Spreaker HERE.

To make sure you catch Ed's other episodes, you can follow along on several platforms, including:
Favorite Movie Podcast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WYFMoviePodcast
and @EdSouth73 on Instagram.

Make sure to tell Ed what you think. And, you can leave comments here too. What's YOUR Favorite Movie?

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